Highest Attaining Pupils

Providing for the highest attaining learners at ATAM Academy is a matter of equity - as with all other pupils they have a right to an education that is suited to their needs and abilities, to allow them to fulfil their true potential. For these pupils we aim to stretch and challenge them both in and out of the classroom environment; and to ensure that there are opportunities to further their particular strengths and abilities outside of school.

Students who show a high level of flair, aptitude and attainment in their work at ATAM Academy are identified as the high attaining pupils. 

 Students who are identified as having flair and aptitude by their class or subject teachers are either already achieving a high level of success or demonstrating the potential to become ‘embryonic experts’ in that field.

We hope they will make good use of the opportunities for challenge in daily lessons and widen their experience by taking part in the extra-curricular activities. By being proactively engaged in their learning, they should aim to remain on the register throughout their years at ATAM Academy.  

At ATAM Academy our aim is to ensure the provision of opportunities to boost the attainment, motivation and self-confidence of all students.

We will provide this in a number of ways: 

  • Differentiated lessons
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Educational visits and trips
  • Family projects on our website
  • Information on wider opportunities 

If you feel your son/daughter would benefit from extra support in school the following people are available to help

  • Primary Phase:   Class Teacher
  • Secondary Phase: Tutor/Head of Year or subject teacher/Head of Department 

Supporting Your Child at Home

Encourage your child to take risks and try things that would normally be outside of their familiar experience.   

Visit museums. Often the museum will have activities that can be a part of a child’s enriched learning. Show you are interested in visiting; discuss what you like, you dislike and you enjoy and why you feel as you do.  

Provide good books magazines, papers, journals, manuals, any reading matter that stimulates interest in the specific interests of your child but also in obscure areas of knowledge.  

Always praise when deserved and always encourage effort and risk-taking. Never praise for praising’s sake.  

Travel and explore in whatever context you can, whether visiting an exotic location or walking down every road or street in your area beginning with ‘t’!  

Support access to libraries and to the internet.  

Make time to talk with your child, not just about what they have done at school but a broader conversation about what is happening in the world; the economy, technological trends, humour, things you have read.   

Ask their advice about solving problems; not to add a load to their lives but to seek their advice. A clever, quick mind tends to think about what is or might be possible, rather than ‘it can’t be done’.  

Encourage a wide range of friendships and social experiences.   

Create a learning–study environment and commit time to the school–home learning partnership.